NBC Town Hall Features ‘Undecided Voters’ Who Were Previously Identified as Biden Voters

by Debra Heine


NBC News appeared to use at least two Biden voters posing as “undecided voters” in a town hall with Joe Biden earlier this week that appeared to be stacked with Democrat plants.

According to The Washington Free Beacon,a couple of purportedly undecided voters—lawyer Peter Gonzalez and marketing executive Ismael Llano—both declared their support for Democrat nominee Joe Biden on MSNBC back in August.

“If we get four more years of Trump, good luck, and good luck with the future attracting younger voters,” Gonzalez, identified as “voting for Biden” in the chyron, said two months ago.  Llano, also identified as a Biden voter, praised the former vice president back in August.

The very same pair of Biden voters asked canned questions Monday in what NBC described as an “audience of undecided Florida voters.”

NBC moderator Lester Holt said that Llano “voted for Hillary Clinton four years ago but has voted Republican in the past.” Gonzalez presented as a moderate voter with concerns that the Democrat is beholden to “the radical left.”

“Cuban American and Venezuelan voters here in South Florida are being targeted with messages by the Trump campaign claiming that a vote for Joe Biden is a vote for the radical left and socialism, and even communism,” Gonzalez said. “What can you tell people in my family, my friends—who are understandably concerned with that issue—that would make them feel comfortable voting for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris?”

NBC’s audience seemed curiously anti-Trump and pro-Biden for a group of “undecided voters,” according to an analysis of their social media.

Michelle Cruz Marrero, described as a former Republican, did not appear to be undecided: Several of her Facebook “cover photos” are either pro-Biden or anti-Trump.

Another voter at the town hall, Cassidy Brown, asked Biden how she would protect “women’s reproductive rights.” Biden subsequently tweeted the exchange and pledged to codify Roe v. Wade. But Brown’s social media use also suggests she is not an undecided voter. On Sept. 5, she retweeted an account—with a Biden-Harris logo for its avatar—that attacked Trump for allegedly making derogatory remarks about veterans. In 2017, she shared a HuffPost article on Facebook about Michelle Obama’s criticism of women who voted against Hillary Clinton.

Brown also shared an Instagram post from her sister after the town hall, where she boasted Brown asked the “future president” an “incredible question” about reproductive rights.

The Free Beacon notes that other networks have also been caught using “Trump opponents masquerading as undecided voters.”

ABC News last month described several Trump critics as undecided voters, including one who had previously described Trump as a “f—ing moron,” “pathetic,” “pig,” “swine,” and a “punk ass” on social media.

Another “undecided” voter featured in NBC’s town hall, Mateo Gomez, told MSNBC on Sept. 30 that he was leaning toward voting Biden over Trump after watching the first debate.

Former Bush White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer registered his disapproval of NBC’s “deceptive practice” on Twitter.

President Trump subtweeted Fleischer’s tweet, linking the corrupt media to the corrupt “Democrat run” ballot system.

“Ari, THE MEDIA IS CORRUPT, JUST LIKE OUR DEMOCRAT RUN BALLOT SYSTEM IS CORRUPT!”, the president wrote. “Look at what’s happening with Fake, Missing and Fraudulent Ballots all over the Country??? VOTE”.

Twitter flagged the president’s tweet, contradicting his concerns about voter fraud.

“(!) Learn how voting by mail is safe and secure,” the Twitter message says, linking to media reports downplaying the risk of voter fraud.

Click Orlando reported this week that in Seminole County, Florida, some primary election mail-in ballots never made to mailboxes in August.

“Regarding Seminole County’s primary election, we are aware that some ballots were unaccounted for after showing up in customers’ Informed Delivery,” USPS spokesman David Walton said.

In deep red rural Missouri, 1,200 absentee ballots are missing in the mail.

An election judge in PA was charged with tampering with ballots.

The U.S. postal Service is investigating trays of absentee ballots that were found in a Wisconsin ditch.

According to investigative journalist Mark Hemingway at Real Clear Politics, 28 million mail-in ballots have gone missing in the last four elections.

A Heritage Foundation database shows 1,298 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud, but the cases that are caught are only the tip of the iceberg.

“Heritage’s database is by no means comprehensive,” said election law expert Hans von Spakovsky at the Daily Signal.

“It doesn’t capture all voter fraud cases and certainly doesn’t capture reported instances that aren’t even investigated or prosecuted. The database is intended to demonstrate the vulnerabilities in the election system and the many ways in which fraud is committed,” von Spakovsky explained.

As American Greatness reported last month, egregious ballot harvesting schemes are currently being investigated in Minnesota and Texas.

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness. 







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One Thought to “NBC Town Hall Features ‘Undecided Voters’ Who Were Previously Identified as Biden Voters”

  1. Steve Allen

    The cheating and lying by the Democrats and their minions is never ending. It’s just like the presidential polls, the pollsters conduct their surveys in strongly Democratic areas so they get their desired results.
